Pre-wedding videographer: Julius Tio
it was a very fun session in bandung and i certainly fall in love with this city, the so-called paris of java. kurnia.darleen met back at their college in canada and their love story is superbly cute, i just feel very guilty if i do not share it with you guys.
kurnia used to ask darleen out for lunch every week after church in Canada and although darleen went out with him every week, darleen never actually saw kurnia as a boyfriend type kind of person. but then, when he knew darleen is an animal person, he bought an aquarium along with the fish and it goes straight right into darleen’s heart. that was the first time she actually fell for kurnia, that was the time she was touched, moved =’) kurnia stopped by every week at darleen’s apartment with the excuse to clean the tank *sneaky!* haa haa but then the fish died =(
And kurnia lost his excuse to stop by at her apartment! *oh no!* but don’t worry a man has 100 tools to a woman’s heart, so kurnia bought levi for darleen! levi is a corgy dog, and he is superbly smart *you really got to see this dog to get awed by him! serious!* then kurnia along with darleen raised levi and he takes a very big part in their life.
i can’t miss to share another very interesting story, a story of their first kiss! it’s funny, it’s cute, it’s adorable! the day kurnia tried to kiss darleen, just by the moment he tried to reach darleen’s lips, *SLAP!* haa haa
yes, darleen slapped him real hard! then she told kurnia, “i dislike boy who kisses me without my permission.”
he was practically confused and really did not know what to do, with an astonished face he politely asked darleen again, “may i try to kiss you now?’
darleen nodded, shyly, signaling a body language saying “yes, you may now”
and they kissed.. cutely, adorably.. and perfectly.
we’ll hang out more in Medan kurnia.darleen, your wedding will be a very impatient one to be waited for. and thank you for bringing us around to taste all the superb delicacies in bandung.