It was an amazing time having to shoot Jimmy and Margaret. Take it for granted that how they met is to be grateful for Durian. Yes, you read me right. Jimmy went to have durian snack one day, where he accidentally met Margaret. Jimmy and I get along very well and we shared a lot about our great saviour, Jesus Christ.
His testament is as amazing as anyone’s who believes in Him. One day he happened to be offered of much higher position in his career, where he prayed to ask for an englightment, he heard a very obvious, echoing sound that told him to quit his job. He was startled, but he never stop believing in having faith. Taking a leap of faith, he patiently waited for 3 months, jobless. Then he met Margaret, where then they talked and started business together. They started car-related business and they pulled it through! That’s why you might wonder why we do several scenes with cars.
And who said it is frowned upon to fall in love with your colleague? Instead, it’s the best that has ever happened to Jimmy & Margaret. Marriage and relationship are at their best when you are able to spend it with your best friend, right?
Thank you to Speedline for the venue!
MUA: Rani Wi
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