In the picture perfect world, you would have someone gorgeous like Michelle Winny – the Instagram starlet. On the other hand, there’s her lover – someone cool like Andry, the young mogul responsible for the steady stream of business of Sir franchises in town.
Simply said, they’re the perfect characters to building the fantasy of a perfect relationship, a perfect life. Or so it may seem. But how true does this outer portrayal of this couple whom the media or at least their social circles have perceived of them?
In a glance, these high school sweethearts may seem glossy as if their physical appearance. But it’s a privilege to have the chance to work up close with them and see their silly and completely relatable sides. Andry is a loud jokester who is a match to the ever chatty Michelle. They also have a funny way of showing their affection, which is by trash-talking or pushing each other’s button.
The result is a relationship that is every bit as warm as it is relatable. It’s an excellent reminder that despite the perfect illusion, what matters most is being your true self to your other half, no matter how goofy, loud, or ugly. Because after all, no one can reach perfection. And no one really needs it anyway.
Checkout their Bromo PreWedding here.
MUA: Cindy Halim
Dress: Silvia Jovial
Black Dress: Jennifer Ledong
Suit: Hendy Wijaya
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